Seventh Grade

Coding lessons use line based languages JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Java to explore programming options.

Image Manipulation Using Pixlr

By Alexandra

By Aidan

By Lily

By Grace

By Michael

By Erica

By Chloe

By Lizzy

Extra Resources


Educational videos and games are possibly one of the most effective learning tools, and honestly, even most grown-ups will find them enriching and entertaining as well.

NeoK12 website also features innovative tools for learning and teaching. Our Quiz Games, Interactive Diagrams, Flow Chart Games, Vocabulary Games and other educational games & puzzles are a fun, interactive way to improve learning outcomes.

Typing Club

TypingClub's lesson plan contains over 600 lessons, guiding students from individual keys through numbers and punctuation, and all the way to a goal of 75 WPM.

The carefully designed lessons include instructional videos, educational games, cross-curricular content, and other interactive experiences.

Reading Common Sense Media reviews of YouTube channels is a good way to get a sense of their age-appropriateness and quality. And digging into the videos themselves -- watching with your kids or on your own -- is wise. You never know what's going to come up on a particular channel, since all the content is user-generated.

Read full article here.

If you're wondering which parental controls to install on your desktop, laptop, or tablet, the answer might be right at your fingertips -- literally! The top three internet browsers -- Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari -- each offer settings and add-ons to help make your kid's online experience more age-appropriate. With a few tweaks, you can block sites, filter search results, and even create a white list of sites that are OK for your kid...

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